Shuuen no Shiori “Another World” (Complete. I guess?)

[T/N- ” [*] ” will be used by me, not the game]

C-ta: . . . . . . .
C-ta: What time is it?                               现在几点了?
[*walk towards that huge desk that’s bigger than my room and interact with the chair]
C-ta: . . . . . I’m going to be late?!            要迟到了?!
C-ta: How did the computer not transfer the sound of A-ya’s alarm clock today…                                            今天电脑里怎么没有传来A弥的闹铃…
C-ta: . . . ? The screen doesn’t show A-ya’s silhouette. . .
. . . ? 显示屏里没有A弥的身影. . .                C-ta: Did he go out first. . . ? That doesn’t suit him very much ah. . .
他先出门了吗. . .?有点不太对劲啊. . .       C-ta: . . .Forget it, I need to hurry.
…算了,我也赶快走吧。                              C-ta: . . . . . . . .                                           C-ta: . . . . . . I should probably go to school.
. . . . . .差不多也该去学校了. [*Go to school. o-O …music stops…oh noes..]                                                        C-ta: This strange feeling. . .
这股微妙的不和谐感到底是. . .                   C-ta: an illusion, right? Anyways, I should go to the classroom on the 2nd floor now.
. . .错觉吗?总之先去二楼的教室好了 C-ta: . . . ! ? C-ta: Why. . . are these flowers on everyone’s desks? This meaning. . .
为什么. . .大家的桌子上都放着花. . .? 这个意思. . . C-ta: Is it. . . ? !
难道. . . ? ! [*Goodness. saw that coming, still scared me .-.]                   C-ta: This. . . this place is? !
这. . . 这到底是?! [*Walk to the desk with no flowers.]                C-ta: This is. . .
这是. . . C-ta: bloody footprints. . . ?
血脚印. . .? C-ta: Why is this from where my seat is. . .
为什么会在从我的位子上. . . C-ta: . . . Anyways, I should
. . . 留在原地 **Option 1- Follow the footprints **Option 2- Stay

Choosing Option 2:                             C-ta:  . . . You?!
. . .你?!                 Game Over                  

Choosing Option 1: C-ta: I should follow the footprints first.
先顺着脚印走吧. C-ta: ? ! What happened to these cabinets.
?!这些柜子是怎么回事。 C-ta: The footprints end here. . .
脚印到这里就消失了… C-ta: . . . ? ! C-ta: A, A-ya. . . ? ! C-ta: How can you. . .
为什么你会… A-ya: . . . . . . A-ya: These. . .
这些. . . C-ta: . . . ! !

C-ta: . . .A-ya?! Why. . . in the wardrobe. . .
. . .A弥?!为什么. . .在衣柜里. . . C-ta: Impossible. . . already dead. Hey. . .just what. . .
不可能. . .已经死. . .喂. . .到底. . . C-ta: Murder. . .!!
杀. . . ! ! A-ya: Correct~
对哟 C-ta: . . ! ! A-ya: This is your doing ah
这个  是你干的啊 A-ya: YOUR work… 就是你… C-ta: What kind of nonsense are you talking about! ? ! 你在胡说什么!?! C-ta: . . .I’ve had enough! ! ! This is definitely a dream. . .
…真是够了!!!这绝对是梦… C-ta: I need to quickly leave. . . this sinister place. . . 快点离开…这个鬼地方… [*Go to the bed] C-ta: . . .This is?
. . .这是? You have discover a slip of paper. Click ESC key to enter the menu page and examine.
你发现了一张纸条【单击Esc键进入菜单页查看物品】 [* Go to items, which is the first option, then double click.Then it should say: ] On the top, it seems 4 numbers are written: “1713”
上面似乎写着“1713”四个数字 C-ta: The exit out of this nightmare. . . just where is it. . . ? 这个噩梦的出口…到底在哪里… C-ta: I must find it. . . ! 我必须要找到它…! C-ta: And then. . . restart everything.
然后…重新开始这一切。 Here lies these 3 doors, your choice is. . . ? 这里的三扇门,你的选择是…?

【Re: write】

【Re: vival】

【Re: parallel】

【Re: write】 C-ta: . . .What time is it?

“Today’s display screen also does not show A-ya’s silhouette”

. . . Is this your answer?

This continuous loop of tragedy only brings about deeper tragedy.

What a pity, C-ta.


[*I think it was supposed to say “TRUE END”]

【Re: vival】 Really, this is your answer

What a pity, C-ta. 【Laugh

If a person carries hatred, then they will be unable to see clearly ahead…


【Re: parallel】

C-ta: . . . ! That must be the exit. . .

C-ta: How hateful. . . ! It’s locked. . .

Please input the password

[* Insert correct password here]

C-ta: ah. . . It opened! Gotta be quick. . .

. . . -ta!

B-ko: C-ta! !

C-ta: . . . ! !

B-ko: Seriously. . . Have you heard what I’ve said!

C-ta: Sorry, sorry. I was a little absent-minded.

D-ne: B-ko’s angry expression is also very cute~ 💜

B-ko: D-ne… you really…

C-ta: Ahaha, B-ko still has a soft spot for D-ne ah

B-ko: C-ta, you are really annoying

A-ya: . . . . . .

A-ya: Say. . . I’ve recently heard a new city rumor.


He returned to the ordinary, everyday tale of the 4 people.

Of course, only C-ta, in his heart, remembered everything in that other world.

Or is it. . .

that the other 3 people also remembered that same experience too?

2 thoughts on “Shuuen no Shiori “Another World” (Complete. I guess?)

  1. Well comments seem empty and I feel like writing something so here goes nothing.
    “C-ta: This subtle inharmonious feeling is. . .” sounds like a really chuuni thing to say.
    It might sound too simple and strays from the actual text but maybe “Something feels strange”, “something feels off today”, “it’s awfully quiet today”, “…I’m getting strange vibes” etc.
    Or maybe this character is inherently chuuni idk.

    …Anyway I’m looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day!

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