Shuuen no Shiori “Another World” (Complete. I guess?)

[T/N- ” [*] ” will be used by me, not the game]

C-ta: . . . . . . .
C-ta: What time is it?                               现在几点了?
[*walk towards that huge desk that’s bigger than my room and interact with the chair]
C-ta: . . . . . I’m going to be late?!            要迟到了?!
C-ta: How did the computer not transfer the sound of A-ya’s alarm clock today…                                            今天电脑里怎么没有传来A弥的闹铃…
C-ta: . . . ? The screen doesn’t show A-ya’s silhouette. . .
. . . ? 显示屏里没有A弥的身影. . .                C-ta: Did he go out first. . . ? That doesn’t suit him very much ah. . .
他先出门了吗. . .?有点不太对劲啊. . .       C-ta: . . .Forget it, I need to hurry.
…算了,我也赶快走吧。                              C-ta: . . . . . . . .                                           C-ta: . . . . . . I should probably go to school.
. . . . . .差不多也该去学校了. [*Go to school. o-O …music stops…oh noes..]                                                        C-ta: This strange feeling. . .
这股微妙的不和谐感到底是. . .                   C-ta: an illusion, right? Anyways, I should go to the classroom on the 2nd floor now.
. . .错觉吗?总之先去二楼的教室好了 C-ta: . . . ! ? C-ta: Why. . . are these flowers on everyone’s desks? This meaning. . .
为什么. . .大家的桌子上都放着花. . .? 这个意思. . . C-ta: Is it. . . ? !
难道. . . ? ! [*Goodness. saw that coming, still scared me .-.]                   C-ta: This. . . this place is? !
这. . . 这到底是?! [*Walk to the desk with no flowers.]                C-ta: This is. . .
这是. . . C-ta: bloody footprints. . . ?
血脚印. . .? C-ta: Why is this from where my seat is. . .
为什么会在从我的位子上. . . C-ta: . . . Anyways, I should
. . . 留在原地 **Option 1- Follow the footprints **Option 2- Stay

Choosing Option 2:                             C-ta:  . . . You?!
. . .你?!                 Game Over                  

Choosing Option 1: C-ta: I should follow the footprints first.
先顺着脚印走吧. C-ta: ? ! What happened to these cabinets.
?!这些柜子是怎么回事。 C-ta: The footprints end here. . .
脚印到这里就消失了… C-ta: . . . ? ! C-ta: A, A-ya. . . ? ! C-ta: How can you. . .
为什么你会… A-ya: . . . . . . A-ya: These. . .
这些. . . C-ta: . . . ! !

C-ta: . . .A-ya?! Why. . . in the wardrobe. . .
. . .A弥?!为什么. . .在衣柜里. . . C-ta: Impossible. . . already dead. Hey. . .just what. . .
不可能. . .已经死. . .喂. . .到底. . . C-ta: Murder. . .!!
杀. . . ! ! A-ya: Correct~
对哟 C-ta: . . ! ! A-ya: This is your doing ah
这个  是你干的啊 A-ya: YOUR work… 就是你… C-ta: What kind of nonsense are you talking about! ? ! 你在胡说什么!?! C-ta: . . .I’ve had enough! ! ! This is definitely a dream. . .
…真是够了!!!这绝对是梦… C-ta: I need to quickly leave. . . this sinister place. . . 快点离开…这个鬼地方… [*Go to the bed] C-ta: . . .This is?
. . .这是? You have discover a slip of paper. Click ESC key to enter the menu page and examine.
你发现了一张纸条【单击Esc键进入菜单页查看物品】 [* Go to items, which is the first option, then double click.Then it should say: ] On the top, it seems 4 numbers are written: “1713”
上面似乎写着“1713”四个数字 C-ta: The exit out of this nightmare. . . just where is it. . . ? 这个噩梦的出口…到底在哪里… C-ta: I must find it. . . ! 我必须要找到它…! C-ta: And then. . . restart everything.
然后…重新开始这一切。 Here lies these 3 doors, your choice is. . . ? 这里的三扇门,你的选择是…?

【Re: write】

【Re: vival】

【Re: parallel】

【Re: write】 C-ta: . . .What time is it?

“Today’s display screen also does not show A-ya’s silhouette”

. . . Is this your answer?

This continuous loop of tragedy only brings about deeper tragedy.

What a pity, C-ta.


[*I think it was supposed to say “TRUE END”]

【Re: vival】 Really, this is your answer

What a pity, C-ta. 【Laugh

If a person carries hatred, then they will be unable to see clearly ahead…


【Re: parallel】

C-ta: . . . ! That must be the exit. . .

C-ta: How hateful. . . ! It’s locked. . .

Please input the password

[* Insert correct password here]

C-ta: ah. . . It opened! Gotta be quick. . .

. . . -ta!

B-ko: C-ta! !

C-ta: . . . ! !

B-ko: Seriously. . . Have you heard what I’ve said!

C-ta: Sorry, sorry. I was a little absent-minded.

D-ne: B-ko’s angry expression is also very cute~ 💜

B-ko: D-ne… you really…

C-ta: Ahaha, B-ko still has a soft spot for D-ne ah

B-ko: C-ta, you are really annoying

A-ya: . . . . . .

A-ya: Say. . . I’ve recently heard a new city rumor.


He returned to the ordinary, everyday tale of the 4 people.

Of course, only C-ta, in his heart, remembered everything in that other world.

Or is it. . .

that the other 3 people also remembered that same experience too?